Biden is boring

2 min readJan 21, 2021

Now a lot of mean, bitter people with frankly too much time on their hands — have been tweeting this account, an account whose owner has dared to suggest that Biden is rather boring and frankly, it should have been Bernie.

Now white supremacists do not get booted out of the White House every day — I get it people are happy, blah blah blah. But Tories don’t take a day off, so why should I?

George is right when he says it should have been Bernie. Have you seen where Bernie’s mittens are from? Unlike the Democratic Establishment, he puts his money where his mitts are!

Also I reserve the right to call something boring. Biden’s speech — boring. And in contrast to Trump? Exceedingly boring! The trouble is Trump and Boris are *interesting* at the very least, we need to learn from this. And are they really so much worse than white libz? I think not!

I will not clap and cheer for a man simply because he is not a white supremacist. Where’s the moves to cancel student debt? Where’s the tearing down of the wall? Where’s freedom for Palestine?

Besides, I reserve the right to be bored by someone who, and I quote, is barely sentient. Reminds me of happier times when I was writing for BBC News Quiz and we put together excellent jokes about how elderly and senile Vince Cable was; it was all very amusing stuff.

And while we’re on the topic, you’re not a Yank, so stop celebrating something you don’t understand. If you don’t know your history of great American presidents — Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Hamilton — then, frankly, why are you spending so much time tweeting that one old white guy has been replaced by another even-older even-whiter guy. Again, boring!

